Guggenheim Museum Rejects Corrupt Vilnius over Helsinki After years of planning and excitement among the European Arts community, corruption is cited as the cause for The Guggenheim Museum Initiative to no longer considering the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, as the site for the new regional art museum. Led by the National Audit Office, allegations are being leveled at groups within the Vilnius municipal government for misappropriating funds which were to be used for a feasibility study regarding the building of the museum and related facilities. The Hermitage/Guggenheim Vilnius Museum was to be designed by Zahos Hadid, an Iraqi architect with a firm in London. The futuristic museum would have been built next to the Neris River, along the White Bridge. Helsinki is now awarded the honor. |
2011 m. vasario 21 d., pirmadienis
Vilniuje nebus Guggenheim'o muziejaus
Pasirodo Lietuva nenusipelnė turėti Guggenheim'o muziejų Vilniuje. Turbūt pamenat, kad turėjo tokį pastatyti netoli Baltojo tilto prie Neries. Ir ką.. Vietoj Vilniaus, Guggenheim'as bus Helsinkyje! Nes mes pasirodo esam pernelyg korumpuoti. O tokia graži koncepcija buvo, pasaulyje žinoma super duper architektė, prestižas ir garbė. Ir še tau 3 mln. korumpuotų trečiarūšių beždžionėlių.. Negaliu, nervai nelaiko.
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